Mission Statement
We are a Non-Profit, Volunteer Run, Community Driven Soccer Organization.
Hyde Park Soccer League strives to foster a positive environment at all levels of play from preK to high school. The goals of our program are
- To provide a structure where all participants have the opportunity to develop not only technical and tactical skills but also include development of friendship, teamwork & physical fitness habits.
- To create an environment where fun, sportsmanship, respect, integrity, honesty and fair play are the foundation of the program, and where player development is placed ahead of winning.
- To support the development of our coaches so that they can provide the leadership needed to ensure the goals of Hyde Park Soccer are being realized.
- We strive to continuously look at ways where the program can be improved for the betterment of the players.
Hyde Park Soccer adopts the mission of USSF soccer for youth players. The youth soccer player is defined as any child from pre-school through adolescence. US soccer takes the approach that the game within each child is at the center of all belief, decisions and actions taken by the child coach and organization. It is the ultimate goal of youth soccer development within the United States to unlock the game within children to reach their full soccer potential.
We appreciate donations anytime! For information on how to make a donation to support our general expenses fund, please email hydeparksoccerleague@gmail.com, attention Sponsor Coordinator.